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50 Completely Useless Facts! -
301 Useless Facts [Fixed Thanks To I-A-B] | I Am Bored.
Sep 28, 2012. Reddit user Frozen_Beer posed this simple question to the Reddit community: " Horses can't vomit. What useless facts do you know?" One day.
A Daily Facts source with useless facts, odd facts, stupid facts, weird facts, strange facts, crazy facts, stupid facts, true facts, and random funny facts posted daily! Bamboo can grow three to four feet in a day. Posted in Facts, Interesting, Nature.
Chuckles for the Day (Funny Useless Facts) Humor.

This page is dedicated to the truly useless facts. The ones that. Valentines Day Facts:Valentine's DayDid You. New Year Facts: Interesting New Year Facts.
Images for useless facts of the day funny.
Feb 25, 2009. 301 Useless Facts [Fixed Thanks To I-A-B]. They`re actually kind of useful but probably won`t help you in real life, yet interesting enough that I read them all.. when you're bored. Updated every day, so visit often. Log In | New.
Nov 21, 2012. 30 Useless Facts of the Day (30 pics). Posted in Random » Awesome 21. Tags: useless, facts, interesting. Funny Picdump (54 pics). 5838 1.
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Truly Useless Facts - Weird Facts.
Welcome! Ginger is using Pinterest, an online pinboard to.
Deb and Jen nurture their Land O Useless Facts with trivia which may makes you smile.. A Funny Site of the Day with Mike Durrett These obscure factoids may.
Well, I accept this reality that getting knowledge about any particular field is a good job and obviously, this knowledge should be comprehensive.
Completely useless facts and interesting facts only here in The Useless Facts. They never come out during the day because there's too many people, but the.
MundayWeb - Human Useless Facts.
Chuckles for the Day (Funny Useless Facts) - CycleChat.
MundayWeb - Animal Useless Facts.
Sep 28, 2012. Reddit user Frozen_Beer posed this simple question to the Reddit community: " Horses can't vomit. What useless facts do you know?" One day.